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FAQs \\

What email should I use to send in my tracks or ask questions? 


Please email for all Get Launched Vegas correspondence.


When are tracks due and what if I need help cutting tracks? 


Tracks are due 5 days before the scheduled performance date. If you need help with your track, please email with the subject line: Help with Tracks 


May I contact the judges or other “celebrities” I meet through Get Launched Vegas?


No. Please respect our judges, mentors, and musicians and DO NOT try to reach out via social media or emails. 


May I tag judges, mentors or musicians on social media?


Please do not tag them unless they give you permission. Unless they specifically allow you to or ask for you to follow or “like” them, do not contact them.

Is there one winner of Get Launched Vegas?


Yes, there is still only ONE overall winner, but the TOP FOUR get to showcase at The Smith Center at Myron’s at the top of 2025. Each of the TOP FOUR will have a 20-minute showcase. The overall winner will no longer be eligible to “compete” in GLV, but the other three will still be able to compete the following year. 

Do I have to fundraise?


No, you do not have to fundraise, and fundraising has NO IMPACT on your score or whether or not you advance to the next round. However, fundraising provides the necessary funds to cover expenses, such as venue rentals, equipment, and professional staff, enabling events such as Get Launched Vegas and other programs hosted by Positively Arts to operate effectively.


We encourage all performers to help Positively Arts in our mission to provide unparalleled arts programs and opportunities to students of all backgrounds and socioeconomic status. Fundraising ensures that everyone can participate in future programs, regardless of their current financial means.

What are the fundraising prizes?


The Top 2 fundraisers and the fundraiser that reached the most donors will each get a 25-minute showcase at the gorgeous Notoriety venue downtown Las Vegas on Thursday, December 5th, 2024 with featured GLV professional artist(s). Additional prizes to be announced through out the fundraising competition. 

Are there other awards given out at the Finale Show?


Yes! There will be extra trophies for: 1) Most Improved, 2) Most Bold & Daring (went out of their comfort zone), 3) Most Supportive & Kind, and 4) Heart of PA 


Are rounds cumulative where points carry over to the next round or Is each round a “Fresh Start” for points?


Each round is judged as a “standalone performance” and they’re judged for the performance they give that particular round, except for the finale where judges will “take into consideration” their entire performance throughout the experience.


Is the feedback I receive onstage the only feedback I will get on my performance?


Judges will take detailed notes of feedback for each performer and share those notes with the performer and their mentor AFTER each performance round.


What is the most points I can get per round?


A “perfect score” per round would be 100 points as your score in each of the 10 categories can range from 1 - 10. The categories are below


  • Pitch 

  • Technique

  • Phrasing 

  • Overall Presentation

  • Song Choice & Why

  • Storytelling Through Song

  • Appropriate Wardrobe Choice

  • Tone

  • A/V Production

  • Bonus Points*


*(4 points for each master class & questions answered (8) & 2 points for mentor sessions)


How do the “Bonus Points” factor in?


The “Bonus Points” category are the 10 points you can potentially receive BEFORE entering each round. There are two mandatory master class videos that you must watch before each round, one based on performance, and one based on life skills/emotional intelligence. You will submit one video essay for each master class and those videos will be scored between a 1-4 based on the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of your video response. The additional two points are potentially awarded to you by your mentor who is looking out for things like time management, listening skills, respect, kindness, submitting music tracks on time, etc.


When are the Master Classes going to happen and how can I access them?


Master Classes that will be offered by Industry Professionals like Clint Holmes, David Perrico, and others are “unlocked” if you are able to reach your $500 fundraising goal. These master classes will take place AFTER the GLV Finale during the months of November and December of 2024.


Why are you tracking life skills, empathy, and other things besides performance skills?


The behavior of your child significantly affects the overall impression they make during their attendance at contests, whether it's a masterclass, show, or performance. Their conduct not only reflects their personal character but also influences how others perceive them in a competitive or educational environment. Positive behavior can enhance their experience and create a favorable impression, while negative behavior may detract from their performance and affect their standing among peers and judges. It's essential for children to exhibit respect, focus, and professionalism to maximize their opportunities and achievements in such settings.


Supporting your peers, friends, and families who make the effort to attend and stay through the Get Launched Vegas competition is incredibly valuable and important, even if you have already finished performing. Your presence not only reflects on your character but also provides an opportunity for you to learn, express yourself, and experience the performances and qualities that are essential for success. Showing kindness and respect to others, even after your performance, fosters a sense of community and encouragement, which is vital in helping everyone grow and excel.​​​

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